Thursday, January 14, 2010


Woke up in the dark this morning thinking about all of the people trapped in the dark, under concrete slabs and rubble after the earthquake two days ago.  It is unimaginable to me that there has been no  significant professional search and rescue presence on the ground there yet.  It is horrifying to see the footage on TV as friends and family members seek out loved ones in the rubble by following their cries, or following the flies.  It is heartbreaking to realize that even if they do find people in the rubble alive, they do not have the tools or support to get them out safely or quickly most of the time.  How is this kind of situation possible on earth?

I guess we just have to focus on what we can do to help -- pray (in whatever way is meaningful to us) , light candles, send money, clothes, food.  Whatever we can.

A positive story from Anderson Cooper's blog:

But, amid the death, there are stories of survival. Anderson saw the frantic and successful work to free a 13-year-old girl, named Bea, from the wreckage of a building just about a block from the National Palace. She was trapped in the rubble since last night. They discovered her this morning and people just started digging, for hours, trying to get her out.

"You could see two of her feet. You could hear her crying out, and there was a lot of arguing about how to try to get her out. They were, literally, digging with their hands, and just an extraordinary moment, a few moments ago, they pulled her out. She's alive, she's well. Four members of her family are dead. They are piled up right outside the destroyed building that she was rescued from. But it's one small victory on a street that has seen so much misery, " Anderson said.


Tried to find a picture or video of this story.  I saw it on CNN last night.  Does anyone have a link to this?

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