Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Monster's Room

We have a room in our house that we've come to call "The Monster's Room." Aquaman jokes that ever since my father slept in it a few years ago, it shelters a sort of active tornado of things that have no home. In other words: it is a disorganized mess!

But, I am here to announce a victory. After years of avoiding the Monster's Room, I finally decided to face the monster!

Despite my many fabulous strengths (smile), I have my limitations, as we all do. Keeping house has always been one of them. It takes me hours to finish the basic household chores that others perform in minutes.

But I want my room back! So I asked my friend C if she'd trade some potted plants (she has a green thumb) for a few hours helping me tame the monster (or at least appeasing him).

C. obliged, and after 2 hours, the room was just a room again. The Poltergeist was gone thanks to her organizational prowess and vision. Gracias C!

It pays to ask for help!

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