Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Music to Your Movement

Flow is what we all strive for, isn't it?  Not always easy to achieve in our 'modern' world.  The book I'm reading, "The 7 Systems of Balance: A Natural Prescription for Healthy Living in a Hectic World" by Paul J. Sorgi, M.D., cites the importance of movement in our quest toward balance and wellness.  Not just exercise that makes your heart pound, but the movement of your body in flow.  Apparently this kind of "rhythmic" activity helps brain processing, which in turn helps your nervous system.  And helping one's nervous system is a good thing as it creates relaxation and deep rest.  Which we all need, right?  Right.

What constitutes rhythmic activity?  According to Dr. Sorgi, "Rhythmic activity is any movement that causes you to move in a rhythm, with timing, with pace and with flow.  It could be singing, tai chi, dance, skiing; or it could be working with your lathe, your router or your sewing machine.  It could be writing letters, painting pictures or swimming.  So long as there is a music to your movement, then it fits the definition of rhythmic movement."

What kind of rhythmic activities do you engage in?  (I hope that doesn't sound too x-rated.)  I know your answer, Marina -- cooking!


  1. Wow, Carmen! I have to check out that book! I've been thinking a LOT about movement myself and how so many of us fail to do it... well, not me... I've been practicing yoga regularly, I ride my bike often and I even tried trance dance (which I wrote about in my blog)...In fact, I'm meaning to write more about movement as it is so crucial for me and my body craves it even more now in middle age.

  2. The book is fab. I'll send it to you when I'm done if you want to read it.

    Keep on movin'! xo
