Friday, January 16, 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy

I woke up from another tsunami dream the other morning feeling troubled, yet resolved. Enough of tsunamis and emergency landings! I want my dream time to be a pleasant, perhaps even enlightening break from "real life."

Here's what I think I need to do to create a more pleasant overall sleeping (not to mention waking) experience: change my thinking. Reprogram my brain to not worry.

Easier said than done, as worrying is somewhat of a longstanding hobby of mine.

How will I get the monkey off my shoulder?

I'm thinking: Breath work, mantras, meditation. And of course, exercise.

Any other tips for worry warts?


  1. I like to be alone, but sometimes when I find myself sinking into anxiety, I know it's time to get back into the world. Surrounding myself with people who love me and make me feel fulfilled help lift my spirits.
    Good luck, Carmen!

  2. I am working on "getting back into the world." Such a delicate balance for us creative types...Thanks for sharing, Kir!

  3. Write in a journal! Find the time that works best for you. Amazing but transferring words to paper really does help. I tend not to be too good about doing it everyday, but at least a few times a week helps!

  4. i have also been thinking about a journal, anne. for some reason, i have a stop payment when it comes to journals in terms of re-hashing events, thoughts and feelings. however....i think another kind of journal, perhaps a visual journal, might be very helpful! thanks for reminding me!
